Project Brief
In this project, explored and visualize a possible future using a 2D matrix and the possible plausible-probable cone framework. This project encourages creative thinking, speculative design, and iterative 3D modeling to bring a vision of the future to life.
∙ Define two axes with key factors of your choice.
∙ Choose one object to develop further and do it in Blender.
∙ Compile your written description, reference images, and model drafts.
∙ Reflect on how your object represents the future concept.
∙ Choose one object to develop further and do it in Blender.
∙ Compile your written description, reference images, and model drafts.
∙ Reflect on how your object represents the future concept.
Phase 1: Creating a 2D Matrix
Creating the matrix was a little rough, to begin with, and asked for some help in curating the last axis. There was an overwhelming encouragement for having something controversial and outlandish to get the imagination going.

Computer Processing & Life as Expendable
After thinking through possibilities in each quadrant, I chose something that I felt was most intriguing and that was leaving the decision of life or death in the hands of computer processing. After thinking through the story and trying to make it as dramatic while taking inspiration from what seems to be technologically possible for such a thing to be built out.
I started to think about what would be a global use and immediately thought about lampposts on streets. Thinking about how to revamp these light sources for something in the future, 40 years out, I thought about the sections of where light could be emitted.

On Second Thought...
After sketching out what this could look like, I made my first attempt to make my digital, very rough versions of these lampposts in Blender. I started to think about how else this computer-dictated world would function in a world of humans. I considered a wearable device such as a bracelet overthrowing the current smartwatches that can be easily tied to the individual.
A Life Dictated By Computers
In a world governed by an advanced computer system, life and death are dictated by pure logic. Those deemed useful are allowed to continue, while anyone considered inefficient is erased without hesitation.
Humans wear a wrist device that delivers the ominous notification when their time is up. The system, void of emotion, decides when a person no longer serves a purpose solely based on a predetermined value assessed through this implanted bracelet.
As the countdown ticks down to zero, a toxin is released, preventing any possibility of escape or removal of the device. However, as humans in this universe still possess the desire to live. In this calculated world, where value dictates existence, humans embody a profound truth: the will to defy and an innate desire to live can surpass even the coldest computations.

Another way to think about this kind of society is thinking about this in the context of Brainiac vs Superman